Heat network feasibility

Martin has been doing heat network feasibility studies since 1998, for consultancies and private sector heat network operators.  As Carbon Alternatives he has undertaken :

               Hinksey Pool – Oxford City Council – funded by Urban Community Energy Fund working with Low Carbon Hub.  The heat pumps for the pool are now being funded by the Public Sector Decarbonisation Fund and the ambition to use them to heat a local heat network remains. To be continued I hope….

               Swaffham Prior, – Working for this off gas grid village east of Cambridge funded by the Rural Community Energy Fund.  Carbon Alternatives undertook the techicnal and econimic aspects of the feasibility. Project in partership with Working with Bioregional who undertook the community engagement.  This heat network is now starting to be built.

               Oxford UniversityHNDU funded, Carbon Alternatives led this study looking at the practical implementation of a heat network to such that the already installed CHP engines could operate far longer hours per year bring large cost saving and some carbon savings.  The study made recommendations to develop the network over the medium term to allow the most efficient integration of heat pumps to replace the aging CHP plant.  Worked with 3D Technical Design who’s extensive knowledge of installation of DH pipe in congested street allowed the best possible understanding of the cost and risks of the most expensive elements of implementing this work

               Rose Hill – HNDU funded for Oxford City Council. Assessment of the technical and economic feasibility of an ambient loop heat network using waste heat from supermarket chillers to serve 250 houses build between 1930’s – 1980s.  Working with Bioregional again, who undertook the community engagement and part of the heat demand assessment work.  The project highlighted the lack of economically optimised design for the ambient loop network, from the heat pump industry, and hence poor economic feasibility.  Comparison with a conventional heat network with a central heat pump showed the ambient loop approach offered little benefit Carbon Alternatives secured additional funding from Oxfutures to undertake further research on improved design approaches for ambient loop.  The results of this work are being used in further studies and will be presented at IEA District Heating & Cooling Conference.

               Mount Kelly Foundation – Rural Community Energy Fund for Tamar Energy Community to assess the feasibility of a renewable heat network at two adjacent boarding schools in Devon.  Study evaluated river, ground and air source heat pump and biomass options.  Heat pump and thermal store sizes optimized to maximise the use of lower cost off peak electricity. 

In addition to undertaking studies Martin has reviewed over 60 HNDU funded heat network studies for HNDU, for and evaluation of early HNDU programme and as part of the gathering of evidence for the Mine Heat White Paper.  As part of the work for HNDU Martin contributed to revision of the HNDU study feasibility specification. Currently Martin is assisting Reading Borough Council with the scope, tending and project management of a HNDU funded heat network feasibility study.