Carbon Alternatives is a hands-on consultancy that works to improve the technical and economic implementation of heat networks. We have experience in the feasibility, design, construction, commissioning and operation of heat networks, utilising CHP, heat pumps, chillers, thermal storage etc. We have lowered the operating costs on every scheme we have worked on and reduced the capital cost too on all new build schemes. This is achieved through experienced design knowledge from UK and Scandinavia, simplification and attention to detail, all of which also improve reliability. We can achieve this at all stages of feasibility, design, construction, commissioning and in operation. We accurately model DH techno-economic performance using energyPRO, close loop heat pumps boreholes using GLDesign and Thermos for initial heat network assessments. We readily engage with other associates where they have better knowledge that would improve a projects and when a greater staff resource is needed.

Carbon Alternatives is run by Martin Crane CEng who has almost 25 years’ experience in renewables and energy efficiency, both technical and commercial work. For the last 15 years Martin has only worked on heat networks. Before setting up Carbon Alternatives Martin worked for 8 years for a large utility undertaking design due diligence and operational optimisation on new district heating systems.
His vision for Carbon Alternatives is to work with government, industry and communities to improve UK design standards for DH and to explore alternative, community based, ownership structures for heat networks. As part of learning about and contributing to the development of community owned heat networks Martin is a director of both Springbok Sustainable Wood Heat and Community Energy England.
If you would like to contact Martin please phone 01865 582 201.
Carbon Alternatives is based in Oxford, in a low carbon office. Happy to work all across the UK, travelling primarily by train means time spent traveling is productive.